A concept project in which I had to create a layout for a magazine and then transfer it to a web layout (Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop) of something I like, so I decided to do a receipt about a famous food in my country Brazil, that is originally from Africa, that is “FEIJOADA”.
To start the layout of the magazine, I decided to separate the 2 pages in a way we have all the first steps you should take before starting cooking, so then we have the instructions to cook on the second page.
After doing the magazine, decided to start with a mobile version with only one page in which the user just needs to scroll or choose on the nav, to direct to any part of the page.
In this project, I decided to draw everything by myself to give it a good look and make it fun for the user
With the mobile version done, it was easier to adapt for other size screens, so for the tablet and desktop I kept the same idea but spread out a bit more elements, and most of the time using 2 columns instead of just 1 as in the mobile.
With the mobile version done, it was easier to adapt for other size screens, so for the tablet and desktop I kept the same idea but spread out a bit more elements, and most of the time using 2 columns instead of just 1 as in the mobile.

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